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The Revolutionary Genealogy site of all time first time on Internet!

USA Official Geneology Records Provider

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At first we should know what is Genealogy?

The word 'Genealogy' has come from Greek: γενεά, genea, which means "descent" and λόγος, logos, "knowledge"). This is basically the study of families and the tracing of their ancestors and related history. Genealogists use oral traditions, historical records, genetic analysis, and other records to obtain information about a family and to demonstrate relationship of its members. The results are often displayed in charts or written as narratives. Some scholars differentiate between genealogy and family history, limiting genealogy to an account of social relationship, while using "family history" to denote the provision of additional details about lives and historical context.

Online Search My Records

SearchMyRecords checks thousands of sources, public databases, and proprietary search databases and let you download and view Records amazingly within few minutes. You can get the report you are looking for easily and effortlessly right from here without anyone ever finding you out, yes! And we are 100% honest. No records found here will be unrealistic, false or confusing. This is a genuine website and we are here to serve people genuinely, so we are sure that our genealogy databases will provide you full satisfaction and will serve your purpose at the same time.

It provides almost all sorts of details on one's life and family. And because of our easy search procedure you can find the required details of your own.

While requirement of any kind of public details comes the first question that strucks the mind is 'where and how to get it' and the answer lies here in our website.


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The most comprehensive records are now available at net.

We provide all types of records at a whole – We have database collections on: Birth and Death records, Marriage and Divorce records, Military records, Federal Census records, Court and Land records.


Registered Members Comments about our Geneology Records Database :

"Thank you Geneology Records , I was able to locate my best friend's ancestorial background. The site also helped me with unique information about the family which had not passed my sight in any other website in this regard. I again thank the Geneology site for the help!"

- Rosalina Marquez


"I was searching on the Internet to find information on my and my wife's past ancestors. When I came across Geneology Records, where I was able to find some old death records of my great great grand parents! Awesome! Fabulous! Keep up the great job."

- Peter J. Williams

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